Supplies for Schools and School Libraries

That time of year is upon us again: school supplies season. While you may have done some of your shopping already, there are always last-minute things that we end up forgetting. Or perhaps they’re things that worked fine last year but upon closer inspection need to be replaced. CMF has been awarded a government contract for school and library supplies and are here to help you get what you need for a successful school year.  

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Cleaner Air = Better Health

Do you need an air purifier or filter? Yes. Every office, breakroom, workplace, or other space should have an air filter or purifier.

Having a clean space, including clean air, will improve your health and well-being. That’s not disputed. In fact, exposure to air pollutants and harmful particles can lead to respiratory infections, respiratory diseases, and heart disease through both short- and long-term exposure. By providing clean, filtered, purified air, you are allowing your employees to literally breathe easier. Not only that, but you will work to eliminate powerful or pungent odors that can be both distracting and harmful.

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