First Impressions Are Everything

While you might like to believe that your company culture and personality will be enough to bring in new clients, the harsh reality is that without an immediate good first impression clients and interviewees alike will be running for the door instead of looking for a reason to stay. Fortunately, there are several things you can do to make sure your office space creates that perfect look and feel that makes clients want to stay longer and do more business and will also make interviewees want to work for you. Read along for the top 4 ways CMF can help your business nail the first impression.

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Cleaner Air = Better Health

Do you need an air purifier or filter? Yes. Every office, breakroom, workplace, or other space should have an air filter or purifier.

Having a clean space, including clean air, will improve your health and well-being. That’s not disputed. In fact, exposure to air pollutants and harmful particles can lead to respiratory infections, respiratory diseases, and heart disease through both short- and long-term exposure. By providing clean, filtered, purified air, you are allowing your employees to literally breathe easier. Not only that, but you will work to eliminate powerful or pungent odors that can be both distracting and harmful.

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The Best Paper Shredders For Your Office

What To Consider When Buying Paper Shredders

When buying anything, we compare. We look at what one piece of technology can do and put it side-by-side with another similar piece of technology. We want to see which best suits our needs. Buying office supplies is no different. What do we need to consider when purchasing a new paper shredder? There are 4 main things to consider when looking to purchase a new paper shredder: 

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Cool Down Your Office with Filtered Water Coolers

Do you ever get thirsty while at work? Do you ever feel the need to step away from your desk? There’s nothing quite like a sip of cold, fresh-tasting water from a filtered water cooler. With a filtered water cooler, the water is always refreshing and you don’t have to deal with an inconveniently clunky water jug. Water coolers are often equipped with a self-sanitization cycle that stops bacteria in its tracks and are a healthy alternative to tap water. For all these reasons and more, water coolers are a must have addition to your office break room.
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