5 Things to Look For When Buying an Office Chair

Shopping for a New Office Chair

If you feel uncomfortable sitting in your current office chair, you probably need to buy a new one. Shopping for a new chair of any kind can be difficult because there are many different chairs that offer plenty of different features. Below are a few features you should look out for if you want to buy the most effective office chair on the market.
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Flu Season Checklist: Prevent Germs in Your Office

Many people dread when fall arrives, because it marks the beginning of flu season, a period categorized by a notable outbreak of the influenza virus. The colder temperatures of the fall and winter months help make the virus more stable in the air, allowing it to spread around easily. For some people, the flu can be relatively tame, but for others, it can be a very severe illness. Every year people do whatever they can to not only avoid catching the flu, but to also keep it from spreading. Below are just a few of the things you can do to try to keep the flu at bay in your home and office.

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Cool Down Your Office with Filtered Water Coolers

Do you ever get thirsty while at work? Do you ever feel the need to step away from your desk? There’s nothing quite like a sip of cold, fresh-tasting water from a filtered water cooler. With a filtered water cooler, the water is always refreshing and you don’t have to deal with an inconveniently clunky water jug. Water coolers are often equipped with a self-sanitization cycle that stops bacteria in its tracks and are a healthy alternative to tap water. For all these reasons and more, water coolers are a must have addition to your office break room.
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It’s all about the Packaging: How to Reduce Shipping Prices

What Shipping Prices Are Costing You

Is your business looking to reduce the amount of money spent on shipping? According to Forbes, 63 percent of customers cite excessive shipping costs as the reason why they cancelled a purchase. This means reducing shipping prices can not only save you money, but it can also bring you more business. In order to reduce shipping costs, doing your research ahead of time is key. Ultimately, negotiating shipping rates and paying for shipping online can result in discounts from selected shipping services. In addition to that, buying packaging supplies from your local office supply store comes with added benefits and special prices.
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Simple Storage Tips for Small Offices

Simple Storage Tips for Small Offices

We all can’t have sprawling offices overlooking the ocean or city skyline. Some of us have smaller offices where storage can be challenging. Maximize your office space with our simple storage tips.

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[Infographic] Germiest Places in the Office

Anything in the office that is touched by more than one person is considered a high-touch point. More emphasis is being put on the breakroom area and personal office spaces, instead of just bathrooms and other more obvious areas. Disinfecting the dirtiest places in the office – frequently and effectively will help prevent the spread of the flu and Covid-19.

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Get Sustainable, Go Organic with Eco-friendly Office Furniture

With Earth Day just around the corner, there’s no better time than the present to green your workspace. Getting started is as simple as enrolling in recycling programs, purchasing eco-friendly office supplies, and using renewable energy. Read more